Morphine reduction and longer shelf life of poppy seeds
Picture: Nicole Ollinger
Picture: Manfred Müller
Picture: Manfred Müller
Poppy contains morphine that can cause adverse health effects if consumed in large quantities and is therefore subject to increasingly stringent regulations (BfR recommendation: max. 4 mg/kg). In addition, companies processing poppy seeds need to be aware that the seeds contain about 50 % fat, which spoils quickly if stored incorrectly. In this project, we are aiming to: a) optimize the quality of poppy seed based products through reduction/limitation of the morphine concentration and b) pursue strategies that ensure a longer shelf life of these products. The second point is of crucial importance, as several bakery products contain sugar mixtures and fillings that influence the stability of the poppy seeds.
These aims shall be reached by physical processing steps only, without use of chemical stabilizers or additives. One strategy will be the reduction of morphine present on the surface of the seeds based on the application of processing steps such as roasting and washing. Furthermore, we will implement a non-invasive measurement method (multi-spectral imaging). This technique has the potential to: a) identify undesirable compounds/impurities in poppy seed raw materials and products, b) monitor the stability of poppy seeds and their down-stream products, and to be integrated into the production line on a large scale.
Lead Researcher:
FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Julian Weghuber
FFoQSI Area Leader GREEN
Head of Department
Food Technology and Nutrition, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
+43 5 0804 44403